Welcome to the California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) website for the environmental review of the proposed construction of the Ten West Link Project (proposed project) located near the Interstate 10 corridor in Western Riverside County, California. The applicant for the proposed project is Delaney Colorado River Transmission LLC (DCRT). This website provides information relevant to the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA) review process. The Bureau of Land Management (BLM), in its role as the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) lead agency, prepared an environmental impact statement (EIS) for the proposed project. The BLM published the Final Environmental Impact Statement in September 2019. A portion of the proposed project is located within the State of California and requires approval from the CPUC. Because this approval is a discretionary action, the CPUC must comply with the requirements of CEQA. The CPUC relied on the BLM EIS per CEQA Guidelines, Section 15221. Click here for the letter providing notice pursuant to CEQA Guidelines Section 15225(a) to interested parties that the Energy Division of the CPUC believes that the EIS meets the requirements of CEQA, and that the CPUC intends to use the EIS in place of an Environmental Impact Report (EIR) in deciding whether to approve, conditionally approve, or deny DCRTs application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Ten West Link Project. The environmental documents prepared for the proposed project can be accessed on the BLM Ten West website. On November 5, 2021 the Commission issued Decision 21.11.003 granting DCRT a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Ten West Link Project (see Agency Decisions below). The following timeline represents the overall environmental review process. The blue boxes represent the timeline of when tasks were completed.
Quick LinksApplication and Notice of Intent Construction Progress and Mitigation MonitoringNew
BackgroundDCRT filed an application for a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity (Application A.16-10-012) for the proposed project with CPUC on October 12, 2016, accompanied by a description of proposed transmission facilities. On September 14, 2014, DCRT filed a right-of-way application (SF-299) with the BLM that proposes to construct, operate, maintain, and decommission an electric transmission project in western Arizona and eastern California. The proposed project would consist of a 500-kilovolt (kV) transmission line traversing approximately 114 miles, with a 17-mile segment in California. The proposed project would increase transmission capacity by 3,200 megawatts and provide interconnection capability for new energy projects located near the proposed project.
Project DescriptionThe proposed project includes installation of a 500-kV transmission line,
transmission supporting structures between 72 and 190 feet in height,
conductors, overhead ground wire, and a new series compensation system
Application and Notice of IntentThe application, appendices to the application, and BLM Notice of Intent are available for the public to view at the following links:
Environmental DocumentationFinal Environmental Impact Statement with AppendicesThe Final Environmental Impact Statement (EIS) and Proposed Resources Management Plan Amendment (RMPA) for the Ten West Link Transmission Line Project and appendices prepared by BLM, with review by CPUC, was published by BLM on September 13, 2019. Below are links to the Final EIS/RMPA and appendices.
Below is an outline of additional project information available on the BLM Ten West project website supporting the FEIS/RMPA (please click HERE to access the BLM webpage):
Please click Here to access additional project information outlined above on the BLM Ten West project website Draft Environmental Impact Statement and Draft Resources Management Plan Amendments and AppendicesThe Draft EIS (DEIS) and Draft RMPA (DRMPA) and appendices prepared by BLM, with review by CPUC, were released for public review on August 31, 2018, for a 90-day public review period ending November 29, 2018. Below are links to the DEIS/DRMPA and appendices. Comments on the environmental documentation were due no later than November 29, 2018.
Below is an outline of additional project information available on the BLM Ten West project website (please click Here to access the BLM webpage):
Please click Here to access additional project information outlined above on the BLM Ten West project website Agency DecisionsCalifornia Public Utilities Commission DecisionOn November 5, 2021 the Commission issued Decision 21.11.003 granting DCRT a Certificate of Public Convenience and Necessity for the Ten West Link Project. The State Clearinghouse received the Notice of Determination on November 8, 2021. Bureau of Land Management Record of DecisionOn November 22, 2019 the U.S. Bureau of Land Management signed the Record of Decision for the Ten West Link 500 Kilovolt Transmission Line Project.
Construction Progress and Mitigation MonitoringMitigation Monitoring and Reporting ProgramFor Additional InformationTo request additional information, or to be added to the mailing list, please contact us by email, fax, or phone, as follows: Project email: The CPUC project managers contact information is the following: Eric Chiang, CPUC Project Manager
Please report any problems to the Energy Division web coordinator |